
The Sandwich Friends Meetinghouse Museum is located at the East Sandwich Meetinghouse (6 Quaker Road in East Sandwich) which was built in 1810. It is the original location of Sandwich Monthly Meeting, the oldest continuous Quaker meeting in North America where members of the Religious Society of Friends have held meeting for worship since 1657. In addition to touring the burial grounds and the great meetinghouse, visitors can go upstairs and view exhibits which explore the foundation and theology of the Quaker faith, indigenous relations, stories of Quakers in action today, and more. . Although the museum is continuing to evolve, visitors are welcome to come on Sundays to attend meeting for worship at 10 am and/or explore the museum after meeting for worship at 11:15 am. Stay tuned to this website as we intend to expand the hours that we are open when temperatures warm. (The museum is unheated!)

For more information, please leave a message for Peggy Fawcett at 774 313 0412.